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What lash shield to use for the lash lift?


Choosing the correct shields for a lash lift is an important step in achieving the desired result. Lash lift shields, also known as lash rods or silicone pads, come in various shapes and sizes to create different curl levels. Here's how you can choose the correct shields for a lash lift:

  •  Consider the Natural Lash Length and Type:
    •  Choose shields that are appropriate for the length and type of your client's natural lashes. Longer lashes might require larger shields, while shorter lashes may benefit from smaller shields.
  •  Assess the Desired Curl:
    •  Different shields create different lash curls, such as natural, subtle, or dramatic. Choose the shield size and shape that matches the level of curl your client desires. Larger shields create a softer curl, while smaller ones create a more pronounced curl.
  •  Eye Shape and Comfort:
    •  Consider the client's eye shape. Some shields are specifically designed for certain eye shapes, such as almond, round,...
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How to use NAIL FILE: STEP BY STEP + check list how to file gel/acrylic nails


A file is the most important accessory when doing manicure and extending the nail. There are files with the same grit on both sides or with different one on each side.

But what do numbers like 100/100, 100/180 mean?

Example: 180/180 is a number that represent the same amount of grit per square centimeter.

Higher the number, less sharp is the file, lower the number, sharper is the file. The sharpest file found on the market is the 80/80 file, used when removing the material from the nail, like acrylic, which is harder than gel.  

Nail file, 180 grit is used to shape the nail and to prepare the nail before beginning the nail extension process.  

Nail file 600/4000 is used when doing the natural manicure. In most cases one side of the nail file is green and the other is white. First you would need to file the nail with the green side and then polish it on the white side to achieve the exceptionally high shine. 


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How To Do Nails At Home? Safely, no damage, no lifting.

How To Do Nails At Home?

Safely, no damage, no lifting. 

Whether you don’t have time to head into the salon or you’re simply looking for ways to cut back on your beauty spending, learning how to do your own nails at home is a skill worth pursuing.

Just keep in mind that acrylic, gel, poly-gel... nails—both those done in a salon or created at home—come with their pros and cons. On one hand, they’re sturdy and long-lasting, creating the unique opportunity to score stellar nail length if your natural nails are hard to grow out. On the other hand, they can be damaging to your nails if you don’t prepare natural nails properly, if you remove them improperly, also skin reactions can occur, if you don't do nails safely.

That's why I will spill all my magic and glitters and ride you true the safe, no damage, no lifting, process.

Because I want you to stay healthy and to have healthy nails.


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The most important top layer of the nail plate is damaged.
We need this layer to be healthy because it provides a good grip with material.
It's thickness is 30-50 layers.
Once it gets damaged, there will be problems, the coatings will lift off.
‼Therefore, it's very important to prepare the nail plate correctly - do not use files under 180 granulations on natural nails, don't cut material off with cutters, and do not touch natural nails with electric file!
Second important thing is to use right material accordingly to the natural nails.
And you need to apply it in the right amount, because wrong distribution will damage the nails.
You also need to talk with your clients, to not tear off the material. Because whole dorsal layer of the nail will come off and coatings won't hold on the nails.
!! How not to over-file the nail plate, how to properly work with e-file and how to place...
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✨[COVID NAILS - discoloured or misshapen] ✨

Nails appear discoloured or misshapen a number of weeks – a phenomenon that’s been dubbed “COVID nails”.

One symptom is a red half-moon pattern that forms a convex band over the white area at the base of fingernails. This seems to present earlier than other COVID-related nail complaints, with patients noticing it less than two weeks after being diagnosed. Multiple cases have been reported – but not many.

Red half-moon nail patterns like this are generally rare, and previously haven’t been seen so close to the nail base. So having this pattern appear like this could exclusively be an indication of a COVID-19 infection.

A few patients have also found new horizontal indentations in the bases of the nails of their fingers and toes, which are known as Beau’s lines. These tend to appear four weeks or more after a COVID-19 infection.

Beau’s lines occur when there is a temporary interruption in nail growth due to a physical stress on the...

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How to get over camera shyness?




- Decide what you'll talk about.

 - Turn on camera.

 - Talk for a minute.

 - Save.



Check out your videos.

Make sure you're:

 - not talking to fast

- not talking to stiff

- you are talking as you talk to a friend

- looking into the camera



It won't be perfect :)

But you just need to start.

 Start with only a sentence or two.

 For example:

- Ask followers if they have a question for you.

- Tell them what you are doing today.

- Share a short tip.



Create a script, but you don't read it!

Be spontaneous.

This will help you stay on track.

Don't worry if you don't tell everything by a script.



Create max. of 5 takes!

Choose the best one and post it!

 It won't be perfect, but you will do the first step and with every step you will be better.

Perfection doesn't exist.


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You should wear gloves because of:






Nail technicians can be exposed to blood borne diseases such as hepatitis, HIV and other infectious diseases.

If a client’s skin is pierced or broken and the nail technician comes into contact with infected blood, technician can contract these potentially life-threatening diseases.

Nail technicians can be exposed to fungal infections that rest on a customer's finger and toenails.

Other infections that can be transmitted during manicure are:

-Spots, boils, abcesses, impetigo

-Paronychia– bacterial infection

-Onycholysis– due to fungal infections




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Bad vs. Good Instagram post - do you want more engagement?


You are posting and you're engagement is still falling?

What makes a post GOOD if you have a business profile?


Here are my advices for you:


  Targets everyone! (Example: you are not specific to whom you are talking.)

Targets your ideal customer! (Example: you need to talk to women, mums, business women, ect.)


Has no particular point! (Example: only photo of nails, without caption.)

Offers a solution to a problem! (Example: how to take care of your nails.)


Has no purpose! (Example: only photo of nails or your dog/cat. )

Has a purpose! (Example: help with advice, be funny, educational, ect.)


It's complicated and full of professional terminology. (Example: you are using words like proximal fold, nail matrix, polimerization, exothermal reactions, ect. )

It's easy to understand. (Example: heat spikes, nails lifting, cuticle, curing, ect.)


It's self serving. (Example: only plain pictures of nails.)


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It can be very frustrating when nails are lifting.

Especially when you put so much effort in it.

Here are the BIGGEST causes of nail lifting:

Different brands are highly unlikely to have the same UV output. UV curing nail product requires the correct level of UV exposure in the proper range of wavelengths at the correct intensity and for the right amount of time. All three of these factors are equally important and none of these should be ignored.


If the product is touching the skin, it will lift. And also you are very close to cause allergies.


Improper Cuticle work:

- lift cuticle from the nail plate

- remove dead skin

- there must be no bleeding, cuts and injuries!

- pay attention on cuticle around sinuses


Improper nail preparation

You have to thoroughly remove oils, contaminants or dead skin from the nail plate, so the product is able to adhere well.

Be aware of old primers and dehydrators.


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Kako odpreti salon iz NIČ? Ali ti salon za nohte lahko prinese DOBIČEK?

Kako odpreti salon za nohte iz nič in ali bo to prineslo dobiček?

Takšna vprašanja zanimajo vsako podjetnico, ki se je odločila, da najde nišo v lepotni industriji.  

Ali je donosno, da odprem salon za nohte? 

Podjetnica mora v fazi načrtovanja ugotoviti, kako bo projekt dobičkonosenTreba je opozoriti, da je salon za nohte ena izmed najbolj donosnih dejavnosti, kajti tudi z zmanjšanjem osebnega dohodka ljudje ne prenehajo skrbeti zase.  

Povprečna donosnost salona za nohte je 35%. 

Raven dohodka, ki ga salon prinese, je odvisna od izbrane oblike poslovanja. Odprete lahko: 

  1. Salon doma. Prednost je, da nimaš dodatne najemnine in ostalih dvojnih stroškov.  Potrebno je imeti že neko bazo svojih strank.  
  2. Nail bar – v nakupovalnih centrih. Gre za najem stola ali pa vas zaposlijo. Prednost je ta, da je ogromno potencialnih strank.  
  3. Najem stola kozmetičnih ali ...
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